We do more than host exhibitions on the street. Learn more below.

Solidarity & Safety Spaces
In March of 2023, We'll be releasing our very first Solidarity & Safe Spaces Zine.
This Zine will feature original artwork, poetry and writing from 11 visual artists, 5 poets and 8 community collaborators all across New York City.
Participating partners include:
Queen Link, South Queens Women's March, Coisescapes, Angry Asian Womxn, the Five Boro Story Project and New York Committee for Human Rights Philippines..

We are excited to share that we were Vendor Members at QNS Collab's first storefront in the last quarter of 2021, and first quarter of 2022. Through that, we provided an opportunity for six different artists to vend their items for profit. We will update our webpage for more photographs shortly.

Racial Justice Commission
In collaboration with Little Manila Bayanihan Arts, National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, Filipino American National Historical Society and Woodside on the Move, we offered testimony and feedback on the Racial Justice's Six Patterns of Inequity Report to make suggestions to the New York City Charter. We also co-hosted a townhall, and provided feedback to the commission and Senator Jessica Ramos.

Silent Auction
We are grateful to share that we participate in the Connected Chef's Silent Auction for their 2022 fundraiser! Items by Kyra and Kim raised $100 in funds! Other neighborhood partners include the Queens Botanical Garden and Mighty Oak Roasters

During each cultural month we strive to celebrate the accomplished of historical and local leaders.
During Black History Month, we hosted our very first ever Learn-A-Thon on instagram--where we asked followers to post about black history. Each post would equate to a donation to local black-led organizations. This effort led to a few posts and $50 raised for Black Land Ownership, and Transform America.
Artwork of Mary Ann Shadd Cary shown by Claire Pienaar

Christmas Cards 2020
During Winter 2020, we paired up with Astoria Mutual Aid to send original collaborative christmas cards to the elderly. The cards were designed by Kyra Cuevas, Jackie Gilette, Areli Hidalgo and Isa Jacovino